Electroanalytical methods
- Eco-Tribo polarograph (Polaro-Sensors, Prague)
- Electrochemical analyzer EcaFlow (Istran, SR)
- Liquid chromatograph with electrochemical detector - Coulochem III (EAS Inc., USA)
- UPLC with electrochemical detector and autosampler (Antec DECADE)
- Liquid chromatograph with amperometric detector (Dionex Ultimate 3000, Thermo)
- Amperometric sensors for special applications
- Modular potenciostat/galvanostat Autolab PGSTAT128N with module for impedance measurements
- Elektrochemical silica micro balances (EQCM, Autolab)
- Elektrochemical working station for small currents (Nanoampere, L-Chem)
- Atomic force microscope with electrochemical cell and potenciostat for SECM-AFM (Dimension Icon, Bruker)
- Mass spectrometer (Agilent 1100 Series LC/MSD Trap, Agilent)
Chromatographic methods
- UPLC (Acquity, Waters)
- Ultra performance supercritic fluid chromatograph (UPC2, Acquity, Waters)
- UPLC with a possibility of two-dimensional separation (UPLC I-class, Acquity, Waters)
- HPLC system (1100 Series, Agilent, USA) with autosampler, spectrophotometric and fluorimetric detector
- Micro HPLC wit UV detector Dionex Ultimate 3000 RSLC nano system (Thermo)
- UPLC (Agilent 1290, Infinity II, Agilent)
- Analytical liquid chromatograph with UV detection (Beckman)
- Analytical and semi-preparative liquid chromatograph (Knauer)
- 2x gas chromatograph with mass spectrometer GC/MS (Agilent)
- Gas chromatograph with tandem mass spectrometer GC/MS/MS (Agilent)
- GC-FID, TCD (Hewlett Packard)
Spectral methods
- ICP-MS Agilent 7700 x (Agilent, Japan)
- ICP-oa-TOF-MS OptiMass 9500 (GBC Australia)
- FT-IR spectrometer Nicolet 6700 with FT-Raman module (Thermo, USA)
- Raman spectrometer iRaman Plus (BWTek, Germany)
- Rama microscope DXR 2 (Thermo, USA)
- Atomic absorption spectrometer SavantAA (GBC, Australia)
- UV/VIS/NIR spectrometer Jasco 770 (ABL&E Jasco, Austria)
- UV/VIS spectrometer Genesys 180 (Thermo, USA)
- Polarimeter PL-1
- XPS spectrometer VersaProbe II (PHI, USA)
Sample preparation
- Microscope with micromanipulator
- Laser ablation Analyte G2 (Photon Machines, USA)
- Supercritic fluid extractor (Lizard 2001, Seko-K)
- Freeze dryer (Alpha 1-2 LD Plus, Christ)
- MALDI spotter
- Mcrowave digestion unit Uniclever II (Plazmatronika, Poland)
- Mcrowave digestion unit UltraWAVE (Milestone, Italy)
- Mcrowave digestion unit MLS 1200 Mega (Milsestone, Italy)